Swiss-Seed Service

The goal of plant breeding is to continuously improve useful and ornamental plants in terms of quality, yield and resistance. The cost of this work is high and needs to be covered in some way. Plant breeders have legal rights that enable them to protect their varieties and receive royalty payments.

The section plant breeders' rights of Swiss-Seed represents the interests of plant breeders and acts in the transfer of the legal protection of plant varieties. It runs a service unit: Swiss-SeedService.


Swiss-SeedService offers assistance to plant breeders, plant variety owners and their representatives in the following areas:

  • Royalties and brands (conclusions of contracts, declarations, collection of royalties)
  • Controls concerning the observance of variety and brand protection
  • Support in the registration of variety protection
  • Representation of plant breeders
  • Support for foreign breeders in procedures of variety protection and questions concerning variety protection
  • Advisory board

Swiss-SeedService guaranties a quick and simple service


Swiss-SeedService is run as a non-profit making organisation.


Swiss-SeedService guaranties confidentiality in respect of business information i.e. seed production figures, royalty income etc.

Swiss Association for seed trade and plant breeders' rights


In der Euelwies 34
8408 Winterthur

+41 58 433 76 90